Fees should be deposited in School Fee Counter or Bank.
Bank Details
Bank Name- State Bank Of India
A/c No.- 35393621259
Account Holder Name- Shanti Devi Memorial Public School, Dhanaura
IFSC Code- SBIN02539
Branch Name- Dhanaura
City- Amroha
Monday to Saturday according to the Fee-Bill issued.
Ist Instalment is to be deposited by 10 th of April and at the time of admission.
IInd Installment is to be deposited by 10th of July.
IIIrd Installment is to be deposite by 10th of October.
IV Installment is to be deposited by 10th of January.
A late fine of Rs100/- will be charged after 10th April for 1st Instalment and after 30th Sept for 2nd Instalment for a
period of one month beyond which a re-admission fee of Rs500/- will be charged.
It is important that parents send the school’s copy of bank transfer to our Accounts department.
For online payment please share UTR/Transaction id to our Accounts department.