Manager Desk Message

If you are planning for a year, so rise, if you are planning for a decade, plant trees, if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people in the world.

Shanti Devi’s message to the students best exemplifies the vision of SHANTI DEVI MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL.

The founding vision of the SHANTI DEVI MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL springs from a belief that there is a lot of young talent in India. With good stewardship & encouragement, they can rise to the highest globally in technology, Sports & leadership. Our elegant SHANTI DEVI MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL campus is conducive to serious academic & vibrant extracurricular activities it is our constant endeavor to bring SHANTI DEVI MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL, the best in every field, as we progress towards accomplishing our vision of being a center of excellence.

Dear students, you have many roles to play. You are the nations-builders. You are the movers of technology. You are the agents of changes. It is our fervent hope that the years that you spend in SHANTI DEVI MEMORIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL would enable & equip you with leadership skills. The knowledge that you will gain, the fine qualities that you will imbible, and the skills that you will learn to apply will be your major contribution to your parents, to society, and to the nation.

I, as the weaver of the dream, urge you, scale the heights of creativity and innovation, and above all, to transform your learning experience to become exemplary human beings. There are strong challenges to great effort but, always remember, great effort beans the sweet fruit of success.

Mr. Mukesh Chandra Sharma