English : letters - A-Z, Missing letters - (Small letters), Match the alphabets with picture.
Maths : 1-50 Counting No. after (up to 30) Count and Write, Sums (+) (Single digit).
Hindi : कसेgya, खालीस्थानभरोक-न, चित्रदेखकरसहीअक्षरसेमिलानकरो
English : Change the number, Missing letters (A-Z), Fill in the correct letters (a,e,i,o,u).
Maths : Missing No.’s, Addition, Subtraction, No. after, No. before, No. between.
Hindi : कसेज, इ, ईमात्राकेशब्दलिखो, चित्रदेखकरमिलानकरो, सहीमात्रालगाओ, चित्रदेखकरशब्दलिखो।
English : Opposite words, Change the number, Change the gender, Make sentences. Paragraph (My Mother, My School, My Teacher)
EVS : Parts of body, Sense organs, Vegetables name, Fruits name, Animals name (Pet/Wild), Birds name, Means of Transport, Festivals name, General Q/Ans.
Maths : Counting (1-500), Tables(2-10), Number names, Put the sign Ascending order/ Descending order, No. before, No. after, No. between.
Hindi : विपरीतशब्द, लिंगबदलो, वचनबदलो, वाक्यबनाओ, चित्रदेखकरचाक्यलिखना
English : Change the gender, Change the number, Opposite words, noun, Write the lines on general topics like My best Friend.
EVS : Parts of Human Body, Means of Transport and Communication, Parts of plants, Sense organs, living and non living things.
Maths : Doing tables 2 to 15, Put the sign, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.
Hindi : लिंगबदलो, वचनबदलो, विलोमशब्द, सप्ताहकेदिनोंकेनाम, किसीसामान्यविषयपरपांचपक्तियां।
English : Change the gender, Change the number, Articles, Three forms of verb, Preposition, Paragraph, Application on general topic.
EVS : Plant Life, Clothes, Seasons, Annual Life, Air, Water
Maths : Number and Numeration, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Time.
Hindi : लिंगबदलो, वचनबदलो, समानार्थकशब्द, अशुद्धशब्दोंकोशुद्धकरो, संज्ञाकीपरीभाषावउसकेभेदोंकेनाम, प्रार्थनापत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।
English : Adverb, Homonyms, Pronouns, Subject Predicate, Change the Number, Change the gender, Noun and its kinds, Paragraph on any general topic.
EVS : States of Matter, Habitat, Food and its preservation, Safety Rules, States of India.
Maths : Number and Numeration, Addition and Subtraction of fractional numbers, Multiplication by different methods. Division, Simplification by using BODMAS, Money.
Hindi : लिंग, वचन, विलोम, समानार्थकशब्द, अशुद्धशब्दोंकोशुद्धकरो, संज्ञा, सर्वनामभरो, छांटो, परीभाषाएं, प्रार्थनापत्र/निजीपत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।
English : Pronoun, Synonyms, Homonyms. Degrees, Change the numbers, Change the gender (In Sentences), Paragraph on any general topic.
EVS : Pollution, Human body, Air and its importance, Weather and Climate, Grasslands, Our Universe.
Maths : Roman Numerals, Decimal (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division), Fractional Numbers, Perimeter, Area and Volume, H.C.F. and L.C.M.
Hindi : लिंग, वचन, विलोम, समानार्थकशब्द, अशुद्धशब्दोंकोशुद्धकरो, किया, विशेषण, कालकीभेदोंसहितपरीभाषाएं, प्रार्थनापत्र/निजीपत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।
English : Comprehension Passage / Poem, Lost and Found / Cultural Notice, Informal Letter, sentence & its kinds / Parts, Noun & its kinds, Adjective & its kinds, Degrees, Articles [A, An, The], Tenses, Passive voice.
Science : Food and its components, Garbage in garbage out, Separation of substance, Changes around us, Getting to know about plants, Air around us , Living organisms around us.
Maths : Whole numbers, Playing with numbers, Basic Geometrical ideas, Integers, Fractions, Decimal, Area, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Construction of angles.
Hindi : लिंग, कारक, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, वचन, विलोम, पर्यायवाचीशब्द, अशुद्धशब्दोंकोशुद्धकरो, किया, विशेषण, प्रार्थनापत्र/निजीपत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।
English : Comprehension passage / poem, Cultural Notice, Messages, Informal Letter / Application, Tenses, Voices, Narration, Adverb its kinds, Non-Finites, Articles (A, An, The) Word formation.
Science : Food, Different kinds of material, Acid, Base and Salts, Light, Heat, Moving Objects, Movement of Substance, Pollution.
Maths : Integers, Fractions and Decimals, Simple Equations, Fractional Numbers, Perimeter and Area, Algebraic expressions, Exponents and Powers, Comparing quantities, Simple Interest.
Hindi : लिंग, वचन, विलोम, वाक्यांश, समास, अलंकार, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, समानार्थकशब्द, किया, विशेषण, भाषा-परीभाषाएं, प्रार्थनापत्र/निजीपत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।
English : (Reading Section) - Unseen Passage or unseen poem to comprehend.
(Writing Section) : Notice, Message, Telegrams, Article writing and letter to editor.
(Grammar Section) : Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Voices, Non-Finites, Clauses and Reported speech.
Maths : Square root, Cube root, Compound Interest, Factorization, Algebraic expression, Volume and Surface areas, Properties of Quadrilateral
Hindi : लिंग, वचन, विलोम, वाक्यांश, संधि, कारक, समास, अलंकार, समानार्थकशब्द, किया, विशेषण, भाषा-परीभाषाएं, प्रार्थनापत्र/निजीपत्र, अनुच्छेद, अपठितगद्यांश।